Discover the Work of Visionaries
Who are transforming the way we lead, live, and create.
Do you see beyond the ordinary, balancing intuitive insight with aligned action?
Are you committed to a higher purpose, ready to lead with clarity and resilience?
Are you multi-passionate and looking for ways to integrate all parts of yourself in your business or career?
Are you happiest when working in collaboration with like minded people, leading change in the world?
If you said yes to any of these questions…
then congratulations, you are a multidimensional leader.
Are You A Multidimensional Leader?
The Cyclical Nature of Pi (our symbol)…
…reflects not only our limitless potential but our continuous journey of learning, evolving, and leading with purpose. At Multidimensional Leaders, we’re committed to this journey—exploring the boundless capacity of the human spirit's collective ability to transform the world.
Collaborate, CoCreate and Catalyze
Explore the infinite potential that emerges when we woRK Together
From collaborations to co-creations, the possibilities within our network are limitless—just like the infinite potential of Pi. We believe in the power of co-creation—pooling our talents, resources, and spiritual practices to make a greater impact together.
Whether you’re looking to build courses, host retreats, cross-promote to your communities, or just learn from fellow Multidimensional Leaders, we want to collaborate with you!
The Launchpad
Become a founding member of the Multidimensional Leaders Launchpad – your gateway to launch your offers and Thought Leadership into the world – and grow your business to the next level.
The CoCreators
Let’s support each other on our collective journey to build a better world. Apply to get your exclusive invitation to join our private community on Heartbeat.
Together, we can create experiences and opportunities that reflect our collective values and visions. Join us in co-creating the future of business growth.
A Note From Michele Parad, Founder & CEO
When I began my entrepreneurial journey as a spiritual business mentor and consultant, I immersed myself in over 10 different communities and networks. I carefully observed their cultures, offerings, and what set them apart, while mentally noting areas for improvement.
Yet, none of them truly felt like home. Some were overly transactional and rigid, while others lacked boundaries and felt too personal. Some tried to cater to too many interests, losing focus, while others were driven by the host’s desire to be the center of attention.
What I longed for was a new approach—a safe and nurturing space where members could openly share their stories, experiences, challenges, and insights on their journey to self-actualization. Most importantly, a place where they could be fully seen and recognized by the group (and the world) for the brilliant, dynamic beings they are.
When deeper connections are formed, new collective insights naturally emerge, along with an organic desire to support one another and collaborate.
I’m trully honored to walk this path with some of the most incredible human beings—those who proudly call themselves Multidimensional Leaders.
At Multidimensional Leaders, we recognize that no single perspective holds all the answers.
That’s why we foster a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. Through workshops, mentorships, and innovative projects, we learn from one another, creating a space where every leader can thrive, contribute, and leave a lasting legacy.
And we welcome you to join us.